Cybersecurity and IT service Provider - Standley Systems




Comprehensive Cybersecurity Designed for Your Business

Although large-scale cyber criminals and their grandiose hacks on big business are the ones making headlines, businesses of all sizes are constantly under attack. Small to midsize businesses spend less resources and capital on information security services and cybersecurity, so that makes them an easy target. Throw in their propensity for handling sensitive and marketable data, they’re susceptible to severe cyber risk. 

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Designed for Your Business

Digital security should be your number one priority as a business. Data breaches, malware, and hacks are all cyber threats to your business’s operations, finances, and reputation. With just one breach, you can lose valuable business and the trust of your clients for years to come. Prevent ransomware attacks, hacking activities, and corrosive monitoring with a cyber security service instead of trusting your team to handle it themselves. 

Vigilance with the help of cyber security experts can alleviate the financial and legal strains that accompany sensitive data breaches. Whether it’s your vendors, clients, or your own company’s sensitive information, data is highly marketable. From personal health information, financial data, personal identification information, everything's a dollar sign to hackers. With the help of security monitoring, regular security assessments, and security patches, you can lessen the likelihood of these damaging incidents. 

Protecting your business’s sensitive information, detecting security threats, and preparing effective disaster recovery strategies are all crucial aspects of risk management protocol. These steps and more can be taken by cyber defense experts to protect your cloud and on-premises IT infrastructure from exposure. 

Learn how Standley Systems and our team of cyber security consultants can help identify, detect, and respond to threats before your system is compromised and your business is interrupted. 


Standley Systems delivers comprehensive IT security, disaster recovery, and remote monitoring tailored to your business 

Information Security



Depending on the industry, location, and type of business, organizations need to secure information based on state and federal regulations. This is becoming heavily enforced with penalties, fines, and legal action. However, these rules can (and often do) change frequently and in intricate ways. This can make it difficult for businesses of any size to stay current with these regulations. Manage your information security and privacy policies externally instead of internally to reduce the likelihood that these inconvenient and damaging circumstances can happen to your business. Let us help you protect, encrypt, and secure valuable data for more cost-effective and accessible solutions that conform to the latest regulations. 

Disaster Recovery Services


Disaster recovery services entail every business has access to valuable data and that it is protected in the event of a disaster. Whether that be a natural disaster or from an attack, data protection and accessibility should be a priority for any managed security services. By assessing your business’s cloud and physical computing environments for vulnerabilities, IT services can be proactive about threat management. From power outages to hacks, data recovery to reduce cost-draining downtime is imperative for business continuity to keep your business functioning for your customers.



Conducting an effective risk assessment and developing a long-term cyber security plan that is agile will go a long way towards protecting your business. Once you have that plan in place, the work doesn’t stop there. Our remote monitoring services ensure network security, making sure you’re not vulnerable to attack and your data won’t be compromised. We use our security strategies to guarantee quick incident response wherever you work. This ensures that failures, breaches, and other issues are identified and resolved before they start impacting important operations aren’t left vulnerable to attack and compromised data. We monitor your IT systems and networks to make sure failures, breaches, or other issues are identified immediately.


Helping small to midsized businesses across the region to scale their cybersecurity operations and protect themselves

By developing comprehensive cybersecurity plans, we have an overall managed services strategy that protects and secures your business. From your data to operating systems to technological processes, we’re here to safeguard your business from the many threats that face small to midsize organizations and businesses. 


Midsize companies often have the same cybersecurity concerns and risks that larger enterprises face but without all the staff and time to implement the equivalent level of information protection they need. Managed cybersecurity services make it possible to cost-effectively secure your company’s infrastructure–including public and private cloud environments–while freeing up your IT personnel to focus on work that needs to be handled in-house and drives business value.


Midsize companies face the same cybersecurity risks that larger businesses do. Smaller companies are less equipped to handle these threats because they don’t have the same levels of expert protection that their larger counterparts do. Without the staff, time, and resources needed, cybersecurity runs the risk of being outdated before it’s even in effect. To properly manage costs and keep up with existing and potential threats, IT infrastructure needs to be constantly maintained and updated. Managed cybersecurity services gives you the power of a large IT department without having to staff it yourself. These services also have the benefit of being easily manageable and cost-effective. They can include your public and private cloud environments, too, allowing any IT personnel you have to focus on functions that drive business value.



Many small businesses rely on managed services to keep their information and valuable client data safe. Without a dedicated IT staff, it can be easy for small business owners to get lost in the minutiae of daily security operations like patch management and updating security solutions. Worse yet, they become complacent and don’t stay current to threat intelligence. Instead of instigating panic-inducing awareness training and always-outdated security protocols, find a partner you can trust. With a security partner like Standley Systems, you can keep your data safe and focus on doing the jobs that keep your business running. 


All our cybersecurity services begin with a thorough risk assessment


To best help your business with proactive solutions and responsiveness to threats, we need to understand it first. That means knowing everything about your existing infrastructure, its current security posture, and all the technologies your IT systems rely on. Before we can get started on digital transformation, we have to conduct a thorough risk assessment. 


We have experience developing cybersecurity solutions for businesses of all sizes and we know their needs and budgets are never the same. We can customize our service, and pricing, to meet your business where it is. Once we’ve established the kinds of service you need, we can assess your IT systems and networks to customize a service package that’s just right for your organization. 


All our cybersecurity services begin with a thorough risk assessment

Learn more about our approach to cybersecurity

Check out the Standley Systems blog for posts on:

Industry topics relevant to your business.

Cybersecurity guidelines and best practices.

Benefits and capabilities to look for in your managed IT services provider.

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HP Toner Cartridge Security



By: Rachel Redemer on February 22, 2024       Updated: June 1, 2024



Standley Systems has helped businesses plan and execute strategic cybersecurity policies and processes

Companies like T&W Tire, Oklahoma Blood Institute, and the Community CARES Partners from the Communities Foundation of Oklahoma have all trusted us to handle their network management, IT infrastructure, and technology scaling needs. From intrusion detection to endpoint protection, important businesses and organizations have relied on Standley Systems to protect and secure their technology. 

We conduct comprehensive and individualized analyses of all of our customers' IT systems and networks to provide services and solutions tailored to their business needs. Our highly skilled professionals are trained and experienced in helping to make businesses like yours more secure and ready to combat cybersecurity threats. With threats evolving every second, your cybersecurity provider needs to be vigilant and equipped with tools that protect against machine learning systems, advancing artificial intelligence threats, and developing malware capabilities. 

Contact us today to see how we can help secure your systems

Standley Systems has extensive experience conducting risk assessments that help us develop comprehensive security plans. This is crucial to our approach to managed IT services that are defensive, proactive, and agile. Fill out this form with your name, contact details, and a description of your business’s cybersecurity needs, along with any questions you may have about our services

We'll contact you to explain how we approach developing a customized risk assessment and cybersecurity plan that's designed with your business’s needs in mind.

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