2 min read
Team Standley is Gearing Up to Celebrate Standley Gives Day
Rachel Redemer
March 27, 2024
Updated: April 25, 2024

Team Standley is buzzing with excitement as we gear up to commemorate yet another Standley Gives Day! It's hard to believe that this will mark our 6th year of coming together for this special event, which always falls on the Wednesday of Spirit Week. We look forward to the opportunity to make a positive impact on our community once again.
During Standley Gives day, Team Standley gives out $20,000 total to non-profit organizations that are nominated by our employees. These nominations begin the Monday of Spirit Week and are due that Wednesday morning. In the past, Team Standley has nominated animal shelters, domestic abuse shelters, mission projects, and children's homes.
Aligned with our core values, Standley Gives Day embodies three key principles that guide our actions and purpose:
- We are guided by Christian Values
- We believe firmly in the Bible and strive to live by its values, such as honesty, integrity, and equality. We cherish healthy communities, meaningful family time, and fellowship with friends. Although we do not pretend to be perfect, we always aspire to do what is right as it relates to our employees, clients, vendors, and the communities where we work and live.
- We Build Legendary Relationships
- Standley Systems was founded on the cornerstone of purposefully building lasting relationships, and the fuel that drives us on a daily basis is a passion for our people, clients, and communities. We do not take any of our relationships for granted, and we continually look for new ways to make a positive impact on others.
- We Delight in Generosity
- We approach each other, our clients, and our communities with an attitude of grace and giving. Every employee benefits from a significant investment in professional development, which enable our team to deliver a completely different level of service to our clients. We also delight in giving back, and investing our time, talents, and finances to community and gospel causes is a Standley priority.
Standley Gives Day serves as an opportunity for Standley Systems to give back to the community and showcase their commitment to supporting causes that are meaningful to both the company and its employees. Team Standley looks forward to celebrating the 6th year of Standley Gives Day and discovering the organizations that will be nominated and selected this year. We will reveal the organizations that are drawn after Spirit Week so stay tuned!