2 min read

Risk Management: Don’t Overlook Printers!

Risk management can be complicated and stressful, but once you have some specifics to focus on, it’s much easier to know what to do and how to do it. One of the most important things to consider when it comes to risk management is something you might not expect: the humble printer.

Protect Your Printers

In the business world today, printers and copiers are a critical part of any strong workflow, but too often, they’re not a part of security considerations. This can be a huge problem thanks to all those modern features like network connectivity and advanced data storage, which, while helpful for getting jobs done, can also be helpful to hackers looking for a weak link in your defenses. Don’t let this happen to you. Instead, take risk management to the next level and protect your printers with a few tips like these.

Integrate all machines into your security plan.

These days, printers are a powerful and smart piece of your IT environment, and they need to be treated as such. Remember to integrate them into any security measures you have in place–and while you’re at it, don’t overlook other devices like mobile phones.

Prioritize network protection.

Since you probably use it for just about everything, your network must be protected. Utilize all available controls to limit who can access your network and minimize the risk of nasty viruses.

Don’t forget to consider offline threats.

Printers don’t just operate online–they also have document trays and default settings that can make it too easy for a paper to walk away in the wrong hands. To secure your machines offline, make sure you’re using access management tools and user authentication that will protect all your sensitive data.

Ready to take risk management to the next level by focusing on printers and copiers? Contact us today!

Kali Mogg

Written by Kali Mogg

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